Support barrier-free travel activities and carry out public accessibility advocacy
Focusing on the barrier-free travel and barrier-free environment evaluation of disabled groups, support disabled public welfare organizations to carry out barrier-free experience activities and care activities, and carry out barrier-free travel advocacy for the public, so that more people can share the achievements of civilization and build a city of public welfare.
金沙娱乐 | 百名盲人按摩义诊,首支无障碍电影志愿服务队伍成立
金沙娱乐 | “金沙娱乐”开启第三期公益测评,听障人群有这些感受
金沙娱乐 | 亚洲首位登顶珠峰盲人张洪亲临“金沙娱乐”观影会 获“金沙娱乐”公益大使称号
“金沙娱乐”第二期|“国际盲人节” 视障人士与体验官感受社会温暖和包容